The Pineapple Thief - Someone Here is Missing

at martes, junio 08, 2010

2010. England
Progressive Rock/Alternative Rock

Keywords: One of the best modern Prog Rock bands is back. So We Row one of the most amazing tracks of the year.

  1. "Nothing At Best" *****
  2. "Wake Up The Dead" ****
  3. "The State We’re In"
  4. "Preparation For Meltdown"
  5. "Barely Breathing"
  6. "Show A Little Love" ****
  7. "Someone Here Is Missing"
  8. "3000 Days"
  9. "So We Row" *****

As Tall As Lions - Into the Flood EP

at viernes, junio 04, 2010

2007. USA
Alternative Rock

Keywords: Very melodic, intense, rythmic, creative, great sounding.

  1. "505" - 2:08 ****
  2. "Into the Flood" - 4:15 *****
  3. "We're the Ones That Keep You Warm at Night" - 2:54
  4. "Breakers" - 3:49 ****
  5. "Blacked Out" - 3:55
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